International Compassion Community for people who care

  • Heb jij behoefte aan het ontwikkelen van innerlijke kalmte, focus en compassie voor meer veerkracht en balans in het midden van alles dat speelt?
  • Wil jij graag meer regelmaat brengen in je meditatiebeoefeningk?
  • Wil jij in verbinding zijn met mensen die aandacht en compassie ook de basis van hun leven en werk willen laten zijn?
  • Wil jij geïnspireerd en begeleid worden door zeer gerenommeerde internationale leraren op het gebied van mindfulness & compassie in de Zorg?
  • Heb je behoefte aan momenten van verstilling, contemplatie en beoefening van mindfulness?

Onze Internationale Compassie Community verzorgt 2 keer per week live online meditaties, begeleid door zeer ervaren internationale meditatieleraren van over de hele wereld.


Do you want to inner calm, focus and compassion to cultivate more resilience and harmony in the midst of everything?

  • Would you like to bring more consistency to your meditation practice and could you use some support with a weekly offering?
  • Do you want to feel connected to people who care for whom attention and compassion are important elements in their life and work?
  • Do you want to be inspired and guided by recognized international teachers in the area of mindfulness, compassion and meditation from all over the world?
  • Do you need moments of stillness, contemplation and a mindfulness practice?

Our International Compassion Community provide online live meditations guided by very experienced meditation teachers from over the world. The meditations are in English on Thursday evenings.

A thank you to our Compassion Community:

All our teachers  share their wisdom and their hearts in order to bring this initiative forward. Michael West has been an amazing mentor and supporter of our initiative throughout the years. We are grateful to the Global Compassion Coalition for sharing the same mission and for bringing this initiative forwards. Sarah Eager is generous with her amazing network, including the people of the Janki Foundation Our voluntary hosts are the wind beneath the wings of our community.