Blogs & Science
Three key needs we all have in the workplace
Compassionate leadership supports the three basic needs we have in the workplace: 1. Autonomy: feeling choiceful, self initiated and being whole heartedly behind the things that you are doing. 2....
No Mud No Lotus
Langzaam voel ik mezelf dieper en dieper in de blubber zakken. En alhoewel ook aan mij de Wim Hof methode niet voorbij is gegaan, zorgt het idee dat ik met een watertemperatuur van hooguit 5 graden tot aan mijn nek...
You! Now!
You, Now! Poet: Joost van Vondel This poem is the shortest poem and palindrome in Dutch. It was written by Joost van den Vondel in 1620. In two words it captures the essence of care: attention for the other. At my...
Polyvagaal Theorie en Neuroceptie
POLYVAGAAL THEORIE EN NEUROCEPTIE Geschreven door: Saskia Ebus, therapeut praktijk Rosas, neuroloog (n.p.) 2022 en meditatieleraar van de Internationale Compassie Community Onlangs gebruikte ik de ‘polyvagaal...
The evidence of Mindfulness-based Programs
The number of academic studies examining the effect of mindfulness on sustainability has increased dramatically over the last 5-10 years and these build upon an already extensive evidence base.
Mindfulness has been found to positively affect a wide range of outcomes across health, wellbeing, performance and relationships. The highest quality of evidence comes so far from clinical studies addressing common mental health concerns such as depression, anxiety, stress, over-eating and addiction along with managing long-term physical conditions such as chronic pain and cancer.
Read more about positive effects of mindfulness-based interventions found in recent meta-analyses.
Michael West: ʻCompassievol leiderschap leidt tot betere prestatiesʼ
Lees door middel van onderstaande link het artikel: Michael west: 'Compassievol leiderschap leidt tot betere prestaties'2021-06-24_Michael West ‘Compassievol leiderschap leidt tot betere prestaties’ - Zorgvisievoor ons...
Praten over burn-out lijkt onder chirurgen nog taboe
Lees door middel van onderstaande link het artikel: Praten over burn-out lijkt onder chirurgen nog taboe 2018-02 artikel Doeleman_mindfulness_ NVHDrie daagse Compassie Intensive met Erik van den Brink en Barbara...
What is holding us back from caring for ourselves
By Sarah Eagger and Sarah Kuipers Even before the pandemic struck, high levels of stress and burnout in health professionals had been amplified by systemic failures of government policy and patients’ ever-increasing...
Teamworking, psychological safety and compassionate leadership
Health and social care organisations are made up of teams which are the most important determinant of our daily work–life experience. Teams affect the mental health and wellbeing of staff, determine care quality and...