door Inspirational blogger BFC | 9 november 2023 | Geen categorie, Organisaties
Enablers—aspects of work that provide positive energy such as meaningful work and psychological safety—explain the most variance in holistic health. Those who find meaning in their work and feel they can raise new ideas or objections with their coworkers are more...
door Maasje van ´t Veld | 16 juni 2023
Donate to Libya Donate to Morocco Go to webinar (ICC members) Due to the exeptional recent disasters in Libya and Morocco Frits Koster and Barbara Doeleman-van Veldhoven waived the price for this webinar and ask you to make a donation instead. They thank you warmly....
door Inspirational blogger BFC | 20 januari 2023 | Geen categorie
Steeds meer zorgprofessionals rapporteren klachten van burn-out. Hodkinson en zijn collega’s publiceerden in 2022 de grootste en meest uitgebreide systematische review en meta-analyse waarin de associatie van burn-out met het carrièreverloop van artsen en de...